
LOVE 本当の愛











そうされると、あなたは無視されていると感じるのではなく、相手が本当に気にかけてくれていることがわかります。 相手はあなたの言うすべての言葉を聞いたり覚えたりするわけではありませんが、一般的に、あなたの好き嫌いや希望、恐れ、友情や家族関係など、最も重要なことについては理解してくれます。 健全な関係では、パートナーは良いことだけでなく悪いことも理解してくれます。あなたが心配事や人間関係の問題を持ち出すと、あなたの気持ちを考慮してくれるでしょう。 あなたを無視したり、あなたの苦痛やイライラを最小限に抑えようとしたりします。




🌿 感情について話し合う
🌿 マイナスな面や葛藤などのアドバイス
🌿 ハグや身体的なコミュニケーションをとる
🌿 境界線は守る




🌿 一緒の時間を大切にする
🌿 あなたと知り合うことに興味を示しています
🌿 意見の相違や対立を乗り越えて
🌿 新しいことに一緒に挑戦することに同意する
🌿 「お互いが成長すること」に対してパートナーとして






What is true love?

It is a rarity, with only a select few finding it. In fact, it is becoming so scarce that eventually, it may elude everyone. This is why concepts like "being on your own" and "solitude" are being promoted as therapeutic methods, as we are losing our ability to love and understand one another. True love encompasses peace, care, comfort, and understanding.

Personally, I have experienced a few relationships and am currently married. Like many marriages, my spouse and I have encountered numerous differences.
It is worth noting that my early marriage was arranged by my parents, which is a common practice in my country.

I am aware that I am not alone in facing these challenges.

Romantic love can feel pretty awesome .
There’s a reason why love is always a central topic in so many stories throughout the centuries of human history.

Still, love isn’t always wonderful.
In real life, it’s often unpredictable, frustrating, even painful.
It certainly has plenty of rewards, they don’t generally come without some dedicated effort and willingness to accept some challenges as part of the process.
When you love someone, you choose to nurture the first stirrings of attraction, feeding those early feelings and then strengthening them to stressors to come.
Work involved is not easy.
Yet many people find the reward — mutual, lasting love — well worth the investment.

True love means you feel SAFE with the person

A partner who loves you won’t physically hurt you or damage your possessions and will be sensitive to your emotional state.
Feeling safe also means feeling free to make your own decisions and express yourself without fearing their response. When you share opinions and goals, you receive encouragement, not putdowns or criticism.
Everyone experiences annoyance and anger on occasion, but it’s possible to express anger in safe, healthy ways.

A partner who loves you won’t threaten you or use anger to punish you or make you afraid.

If they do have an angry outburst, they might agree right away not just to improve for themselves, but also because they saw your fear and want to help you feel safe again in their love .

A partner who loves you will take an active interest in the details of your life.
By asking questions and waiting their turn to share instead of immediately diverting the conversation toward their own experiences. You get the sense they really care, instead of feeling brushed off.
While they may not hear or remember every word you say, they’ll generally have a pretty solid awareness of the things that matter most: your likes and dislikes, hopes and fears, friendships and family relationships and so on.
In a healthy relationship partners acknowledge the bad as well as the good. When you bring up concerns or relationship problem, they’ll consider your feelings instead of
ignoring you or trying to minimize your distress.

Love requires open, honest COMMUNICATION. This doesn’t mean sharing every thought you have. Everyone has some private feelings, and there’s nothing wrong with keeping these to yourself.
Your partner will probably do a thing or two that frustrates you over the course of your relationship, whether that’s snoring or getting so caught up in a TV show they forget to pick you up from work.
Sometimes, you might find it more productive to vent to a friend about these minor irritations instead of picking at every little annoyance.
Still, you probably can’t read each other’s minds, so to help your relationship thrive, you have to talk through the issues that really matter. A partner who loves you will acknowledge the need to communicate and show up, physically and mentally, when it’s time for a conversation.
Good communication to me involves:
🌿discussing emotions
🌿identifying and addressing areas of conflict
🌿connecting through physical or emotional intimacy
🌿checking in about
relationship boundaries

Attraction might happen in an instant, but lasting love requires more time and commitment.

With so many people in the world, the idea of one-and-only instant love can seem pretty flimsy. Soul mates could exist, but it’s important to recognize that love typically doesn’t happen in a flash.
Someone who truly cares will want to build your love.
🌿prioritizing time together
🌿expressing an interest in getting to know you
🌿being prepared to talk through disagreements or conflict
🌿agreeing to try new things together
🌿expressing their commitment to mutual growth as partners

Loving relationships can’t thrive without respect.
A partner who respects you will show that they value you and your time together. They’ll also support your choices, even when they don’t agree.
Respect to me is
🌿clear, prompt communication
🌿polite and considerate language, even during arguments
🌿no pressure to set your boundaries aside

A loving partner will share your desire to strengthen your bonds and grow together.
Relationship skills don’t come easily to everyone, though, and some people need a little extra support with learning how to express feelings in healthy ways.

Before true love becomes extinct, if you have someone who genuinely loves you, nurture that relationship and work together to make it thrive. In the blink of an eye, not only can you lose love, but we may find ourselves relying solely on social media for a sense of love, which is not genuine or fulfilling.